MAP-A7R Full-Frame Professional APS-C Sensor Mapping Camera for Drone Mapping and Survey with 35mm Lens
- Accessories, AIR, Battery, Carbon fiber, charger, CUAV, Date Link, dji, DLE, Drill, drone, ESC, F15, FPV, Gasoline, Generator, Generator for Drone, gimbal camera, hexacopter, Hot Shoe, light, LiPo, M1500, M300, mapping, mapping camera, MN1010, MN1015, MN501-S, MN505-S, MN601-S, MN605-S, MN701-S, MN705-S, MN801-S, MN805-S, Module, motor, Multispectral Camera, OMPHOBBY, payloadcamera, power, Propeller, Radio Module, Radio System, remote control, skydroid, smart controller, Solid-state Li-ion Battery, SUNNYSKY, Survey, Swan, T-Motor, T-MOTOR AIR, T-MOTOR Antigravity, tachometer, tarot, TATTU, test, Tethered Power System, thermalcamera, transmission, U10Ⅱ, U15, U3, U5, U7, U8, U8II Lite, U8Ⅱ, uav, Video Link, VTOL, ZMO, Zoom Camera
- 15 Dec, 2021
MAP-A7R Mapping Camera Features and Advantages
1. Map-A7R camera's new sensor of which has all the elements for world-class images:high-resolution, top sensitivity, extreme dynamic range, unsurpassed detail and low noise.
2. Map-A7R is equipped with 35mm full frame lens with a maximum aperture of F5.6, which is suitable for wide-angle photographs.
3. The camera also could be connected with PPK&RTK system to ensure a centimeter-level accuracy of aerial survey through a Hot Shoe signal.
4. The camera sensor also features higher speed from parallel signal processing and faster signal conversion.
5.Whether for inspection projects such as bridges, roof inspection and agriculture or for photogrammetry, map-making, Foxtech Map-A7R camera is a good choice for companies wishing to offer high-quality surveys to clients.