SIYI FM30 2.4G 30KM OpenTX Transmitter with Datalink Bluetooth
- Accessories, AIR, Battery, Carbon fiber, charger, CUAV, Date Link, dji, DLE, Drill, drone, ESC, F15, FPV, Gasoline, Generator, Generator for Drone, gimbal camera, hexacopter, Hot Shoe, light, LiPo, M1500, M300, mapping, mapping camera, MN1010, MN1015, MN501-S, MN505-S, MN601-S, MN605-S, MN701-S, MN705-S, MN801-S, MN805-S, Module, motor, Multispectral Camera, OMPHOBBY, payloadcamera, power, Propeller, Radio Module, Radio System, remote control, skydroid, smart controller, Solid-state Li-ion Battery, SUNNYSKY, Survey, Swan, T-Motor, T-MOTOR AIR, T-MOTOR Antigravity, tachometer, tarot, TATTU, test, Tethered Power System, thermalcamera, transmission, U10Ⅱ, U15, U3, U5, U7, U8, U8II Lite, U8Ⅱ, uav, Video Link, VTOL, ZMO, Zoom Camera
- 24 Dec, 2021
FM30 is based on SIYI Tech's industry-level radio frequency technology, accumulated for years. The built-in Bluetooth function supports outdoor wireless FC settings and real-time flight status monitoring. The module is tiny and compatible with standard JR slot. FM30 also supports multiple signal input and communication protocols,users will have an unprece-dented experience of manipulating their model craft,exploring range limits, and having fun.